Primary Exhibit Details

Amherst Primary Mrs T Moore
Castel Primary Trevor Grayland
More than just pictures
Forest Primary G. Le Huray
Hautes Capelles Infants Rose Scott
Hautes Capelles Junior Dave Boalch
La Houguette Mrs Danielle Cassell
Le Rondin
LMDC Primary Kevin Hinshaw
Notre Dame Primary Peter McGovern or Julie Fletcher
St Andrews Primary Mary Sebire
St Martins Primary Cate Mason
St Mary & St Michael Paula Sullivan or Jon Lilley
St Sampsons Infants Anne Brouard
St Sampson Infant School 'ICT learning and teaching in our school'
Vale Infants Mrs J Bynam
Geography - Guernsey and our Local Environment, History - Why do we remember Victor Hugo?
Vale Junior Nick Falla
Vauvert Mr P James